Moms & Daughters for Reality TV Show

Reality TV Show Casting Call – Nationwide

Are you and your mom inseparable? Do you tell each other everything and hate it when you have to spend time a part? Do you and your mom/daughter travel, live or work together? A new TV series is looking for you! An acclaimed television production company that is in association with a major cable TV network is now casting a new series! This is an opportunity star in an incredible new and fun show with your mom or daughter. Not only will you get to star in your own series but you will get paid. The reality TV show casting call is looking for moms who have daughters who are over the age of 21. Specifically they are looking for mom and daughter duos who are the best of friends. Casting directors are scouring the United States to find the perfect family.

About the Show

A fun and light-hearted series featuring lovable and memorable moms and daughters.

What They Are Looking For

Acclaimed Television Production company in conjunction with a major cable TV network are looking for over-the-top mom and daughters who are inseparable best friends and larger than life personalities.

Is your mom/daughter your best friend in the whole world?
Has anyone ever thought that your relationship is “extreme” or “unusual?”
To say that you two are, “close” is a major understatement?
Do you have the exact same tastes, interests, and hobbies as your mother or your daughter?
Do you two literally do EVERYTHING together?
Are you closer with your mom/daughter than friends/family members and sometimes even spouses/significant others?
Are you at the center of one another’s worlds?

Daughters MUST be at least 21 years old or older.

PAID $$$

How to Apply

If you answered, “yes” to any and all of these questions we want to hear from you! How to Apply
To submit, please email:

Full Contact Information
Brief Bio
Several recent photos of mom/daughter

Leave a Casting Response

5 Casting Responses

  1. amber

    I would like to audition with my mum I’m 14 and my mum is 40

  2. Lisa

    I would love to audition with my daughter’s. I have 2 daughter’s. I would love to be considered. 23 n 25.

  3. nyssa davidson

    i would love to audition for this role

  4. Bonnie Silva

    Hi, would like to submit me and my daughter Kairee. We are so close we can be thinking of each other at the same time and call to see if we are ok. .. We are like sisters but we have so much respect for each other as mother and daughter. Yes we have different opinions and disagree but it’s All Love in the end. I have so much more to tell. Our ups and downs and how we survive them. and our crazy strange side..LOL I look forward to talking with you. Bonnie


    Good Morning I am a 49 year old mom with my daughter who is 19, however we are inseparable, live together, work together, travel, share clothes and shoes friends often laugh how close we actually are, if I give consent on age will we still be considered???
